As the main landmass in Mexico’s Revillagigedo archipelago, Socorro Island lies some 600 km off the country’s western shores. A far-flung and isolated natural habitat, Socorro is one of four Jurassic Park-type islands whose grouping includes San Benedicto, Clarion, and Roca Partida.

Socorro is a remote marine outpost that few ever get to, and what it lacks in colorful reefs, it more than makes up for in large animal action. So, if you’re an experienced diver looking for your next big fish fix, grab your underwater camera and get ready to explore what’s come to be known as the Mexican Galapagos!

One-of-a-Kind Setting

Twenty-four hours out from Cabo San Lucas – and only accessible by liveaboard – the Socorro region is home to many rare and endemic plant and animal species. In fact, the ecosystem here is so fragile, and the shark and manta populations so respected, that the entire archipelago was made a Biosphere Reserve in 1994, and World Heritage Site in 2016.

Dynamic Dive Environment

Diving Socorro’s volcanic underwater realm means unforgettable interactions with some incredible pelagics. Whales, dolphins, sharks, and mantas cruise waters alive with geothermic activity – making this unique dive environment as exciting as the creatures that live there!

Endless Photo Ops

Socorro Island diving leads to so many up-close-and-personal encounters, you won’t know where to point your camera next. Many of these larger-than-life exchanges involve friendly giant oceanic manta rays, resident pods of bottlenose dolphins, and the occasional mammoth-sized whale shark.

Memorable Moments

Diving Socorro leads to lots of big, memorable moments, but there are plenty of small-scale delights that are equally rewarding. Enormous schools of jacks and wahoo, some of the world’s largest yellowfin tuna, and a score of tropical fish unique to the region, shimmer their way through this surreal world of lava tubes and the occasional hard coral.

Ten (count Û÷em!) Kinds of SharksA group of sharks swimming by

Did you know that Socorro may just be THE place to dive when you’re looking to tick as many shark “firsts” off your list as possible? As many as ten distinct species have been identified here, from dusky sharks to the oceanic whitetip.

Dive Sites That Deliver

Liveaboards ply the waters around Socorro Island from November into July, and they can always be counted on to find the best places to dive. No matter which species you’re longing to encounter, there’s a dive site just waiting to make your underwater dreams come true.

  • Roca O‘Neil is known for its large groups of scalloped hammerhead sharks – but silkies, gray reefs, and Galapagos varieties also frequent the area.
  • The relatively strong current at Cabo Pearce encourages divers to grab hold of a convenient rock and watch silky sharks, graceful manta groupings, and the occasional majestic humpback drift by.
  • If you love dolphins (and who doesn’t?), Punta Tosca delivers them in spades. It’s also one of the best places to see humpback whales, turtles, and remarkable shark species like the silvertip, and the elusive tiger shark.

Whether you’re diving in Mexico for the first time, or are already familiar with the splendor of her mainland waters, you’ll soon discover that Socorro Island diving is in a class by itself.

Ready to dive in? Click here to read more about scuba diving in Socorro.

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